Short Courses

On-camera media and comms training for Individuals and corporate training 

Learning assumed to be in place:

All individuals can apply – no experience needed.

The credit value is based on the assumption that people starting to learn towards this unit standard 
are already competent in: 
Reading and writing at NQF level 5 
Computer literate at NQF level 4 
The production processes 
Duration 3 Day Workshop: 
Saturdays 10am -1pm 

∙Brief introduction of the importance of media training
∙Overview of the session goals and objectives

II. Understanding the Media Landscape​
A. Overview of Media Types
∙Print media
∙Broadcast media
∙Online and social media
B. Identifying Key Media Outlets
C. Understanding Journalists and Their Motivations​

III. Crafting Your Message​
A. Defining Key Messages
∙Identifying core messages
∙Tailoring messages for different media outlets
B. Message Delivery Techniques
∙Clarity and simplicity
∙Storytelling techniques
∙Using anecdotes and examples

IV. Developing Effective Communication Skills​
A. Verbal Communication
∙Tone of voice
∙Pace and articulation
∙Eliminating filler words

B. Nonverbal Communication
∙Body language
∙Facial expressions
∙Gestures and posture

V. Handling Media Interviews​
A. Different Types of Interviews
∙One-on-one interviews
∙Panel interviews
∙Remote interviews (via video conferencing)
B. Bridging Techniques
∙Redirecting to key messages
∙Handling difficult or unexpected questions
∙C. Practice Interview Scenarios

VI. Managing Crisis Communication​
A. Identifying Potential Crises
B. Developing Crisis Communication Strategies
C. Addressing Tough Questions During Crises​

VII. Practical Exercises​
A. Mock Interviews
∙On-camera interviews for practice
∙Feedback and improvement sessions
B. Message Refinement Activities
∙Message testing and adjustment
∙Group discussions and critiques

VIII. Technology and Remote Communication​
A. Video Conferencing Etiquette
B. Troubleshooting Technical Issues
C. Maintaining Engagement in Virtual Settings​

IX. Personalized Feedback and Improvement​
A. Individualized Feedback
B. Goal Setting for Continued Improvement​

VIII. Technology and Remote Communication​
A. Video Conferencing Etiquette

25 delegates pax ( Subject to quotation excl Material) 
Per delegate R 4000

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